Saturday 9 May 2015

Never too late to LOVE

I never paid you any heed, for, I was firmly self OBSESSED!!
I never looked into your deep eyes, and you still never MINDED..
I  recklessly fought, made you cry and always took you for GRANTED!!!!
At times I hated you too much and affection got ABSCONDED.
As time grew, sadness laughed upon me and loneliness ACCELERATED!!
Happiness vanished , was I all alone and DISPIRITED!!
Tears rolling down didn't cease, an empty feeling is what I got REWARDED..
I was standing,crying alone, when it was all heavily CROWDED..
My little angel, did I value you more, never would I be DISAPPOINTED!!!!
But you never abandoned me, and yes!!! the long lost love had again LANDED!!!
Whilst years made me the eldest, you taught me many things, perhaps even GUIDED!!!!
Truth be told, I always need you my little baby, OUR firm bond at no time can be ENDED!!!!
Forevermore I truly love you my little SISTER, and from you, can never ever dream of being PARTED!!!