Saturday 9 May 2015

Never too late to LOVE

I never paid you any heed, for, I was firmly self OBSESSED!!
I never looked into your deep eyes, and you still never MINDED..
I  recklessly fought, made you cry and always took you for GRANTED!!!!
At times I hated you too much and affection got ABSCONDED.
As time grew, sadness laughed upon me and loneliness ACCELERATED!!
Happiness vanished , was I all alone and DISPIRITED!!
Tears rolling down didn't cease, an empty feeling is what I got REWARDED..
I was standing,crying alone, when it was all heavily CROWDED..
My little angel, did I value you more, never would I be DISAPPOINTED!!!!
But you never abandoned me, and yes!!! the long lost love had again LANDED!!!
Whilst years made me the eldest, you taught me many things, perhaps even GUIDED!!!!
Truth be told, I always need you my little baby, OUR firm bond at no time can be ENDED!!!!
Forevermore I truly love you my little SISTER, and from you, can never ever dream of being PARTED!!!

Monday 4 May 2015

Fighting Fear

Brave heart in me, "Wake up you again ".......

Shun the sadness and embrace not , the crying pain.....

Oh my eye!! Stop shedding a tear.....

Ever wear a smile and "roar at the fear".....

Triumphant soul in me, "Wake up you again ".... 

Adversity cannot bend you, victory is all that is meant to gain...

You sometimes fail, may even loudly Scream...

But then you realize, Screams are just a scary dream...

Courageous child in me, "Wake up you again ".....

Cry ever not, always ride the "Happy Train"....

Hopes seem to die, "guns of FEAR begin to fire"...

Oh!!! the sweet child!! kick the fear and say "YES! I jumped the barrier"....

"Now, I am waking up, and I am rising"....

 I am born new and "Oh dear fear,, you are dying!!!!

Gone are the days of  "distress and crying"...

"Oh!!! my dear fear,, You always Lose  as now "I AM WINNING".

For you, Dad

For You, Dad

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, my dearest Dad...
          Few words of happiness, love and gratitude just for you, I hope this makes you glad, after all           I'm not that bad ;) :)

          When I was first born, Dad you were here..

          In your glittering eyes, rolled out a happy tear...

          You held me in your soft hands, with sweetest love and purest pleasure..

          What more can I ask from God, to have a father all my life like you to treasure..

          You held my little hands to walk my first footstep..

          I wish I was that little child again, who made you ever smile and gave merry at your 

          Time quickly flied, I was already two!!!!

          I said , "Look Daddy, I can put my shoe "

         With growing years, you made me climb the steps of life..

         Taught me, to be a good daughter, a loving sister and a good wife..

          But what to you my father, Can I give ??

         The one who taught me, How to love and live..

         What can I give you, from this daughter's heart??

         But to vow, from your side I'll never ever part..

         Today on your sweet birthday, I want you to truly know!!

         The admiration, the deepest gratitude, the eternal love, the immense respect I have for you 
         will  never ever go..

         Finally, I have a secret to tell you that the single greatest compliment I can ever get..

         "Is when Someone tells me, you remind me of your Dear Dad"..